With 90-inches of flowing brown locks, this real life Rapunzel has hair brushing the ground behind her

Alia Nasyrova, age 33, is not your typical woman. On the contrary, she draws a lot of attention wherever she goes because of her stunning appearance. You might ponder why. Well, it’s due of her 90-inch long, extremely long hair.

Regarding her gorgeous locks, Alia explains, “I started to grow my hair since I have always loved long hair. And I’ve always been drawn to fairy tale princesses with long hair.She is now employed as “a very long hair model and is also a Queen of super long hair,” a woman of Latvian descent.

She supports herself by providing paying fans with unique content of her hair.

She claims on her website, “I dream of traveling the world, looking for long-haired girls, telling about them, and showing this beauty, which I treat as an art.”

Naturally, maintaining such long hair is labor-intensive. It takes Alia an hour to wash it compared to the other items, and a full day to air dry it. In addition, the hair needs its day bag, which is filled with 22 pounds of liquids, including shampoo, conditioner, and other hair products.

Ivan Balaban, Alia’s husband, appreciates his wife’s hair and the way she looks, but he says he avoids touching her hair so as not to harm it in any way. In a 2017 interview, he claimed, “There is no way I can damage it accidently, mix them up, or injure it in any other way because I am always hugging up the wall to allow more space for hair.

I always address the braid with respect. I occasionally ask it to move a little,” he continued.

Of course, having hair as long as Alia’s might be challenging at times, even though it looks intriguing. “It was a tragedy when someone left gum in my hair in the theater when I was a child,” she recalled. “It was very difficult to get rid of this gum, so I had to cut out a clump of hair.”

Now, if you believe Alia has the longest hair in the world, you are mistaken. The hair of Chinese citizen Xie Qiuping, whose length is equal to that of an adult male giraffe (18.5 inches), now holds the record.

How do you feel about Alia’s hair? Don’t you agree that she resembles Rapunzel in real life?

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