Vegan woman sued neighbors for barbecuing meat in their backyard – she claimed it was ‘deliberate’

Noise-making neighbors are never enjoyable.

Cilla Carden can tell you everything about her noisy neighbors because she has them. In fact, she found them so unpleasant that she hauled them before Australia’s Supreme Court.

The Perth, Australia massage therapist filed a lawsuit against her neighbors, claiming that she was unable to use her backyard because they were continually using their BBQ and playing basketball there.

Carden said, “I haven’t been able to sleep. It has been devastating, turbulent, and unsettling.”

Carden, a vegan, has been complaining about her neighbor’s smoking and barbecuing for months. She also voiced an opinion on the kids shooting hoops.

“They placed it there so that I only smell fish,” I said. Since I can’t go outside, I can’t enjoy my backyard.

She sued her neighbors because it became so difficult. After her claims were dismissed, she made an attempt to appeal to the Supreme Court, but her plea was also turned down.

Carden stated, “I told the courts it’s deliberate, it’s deliberate.

Her neighbor, nevertheless, believes they have come up with a practical answer. According to reports, when 9News visited the defendant’s backyard, they were told that the children had been ordered to cease playing basketball and that the barbecue had been removed.

Following the news of the unusual court case making headlines, a Facebook event for a neighborhood BBQ was created to let Carden know she couldn’t “destroy a good old Aussie tradition.”

But after the occasion, which drew 24,000 spectators, police issued a warning and Carden’s lawyer threatened legal action. The outing was delayed.

Despite the fact that her actions and concerns have led many to believe differently, Carden’s lawyer asserts that she has “no issue with people eating meat and no objection to people having barbecues.”

What do you think about Cilla Carden’s decision to sue her neighbors?

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