Two Cats In Japan Have Been Trying To Sneak Into A Museum For Years

What do you do after you fail? Purr your disappointment away and try harder. Two devoted art lovers have been trying to get into the Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art for YEARS now, but have been consistently kicked out just as they were entering it. Meet Ken Chan and Gosaku, the most persistent feline out there.

It started a couple of years ago when the art museum debuted a show entitled “Cats — Mitsuaki Iwago Photography Exhibition.” Just days after the exhibit opened, an unusual visitor arrived, creating the best publicity for the event you could imagine. The security guard, however, blocked the kitty cats’ path at the front door. In March of last year, the same black neighborhood cat returned. But this time it brought a ginger friend. Sadly, the two of the cute cats were forced to turn around.

Because they continuously returning, the tenacious, amusing cats have most likеly established a permanent habitat near the Japanese museum. Its employees eventually began tweeting images of their visits, making them online superstars.

And while the weird cats haven’t yet officially made their way inside, at least they receive snuggles and pets from the white-gloved guards when they take the art lovers back outside.

Scroll down for the full story and the stubborn cats’ photos below!

More info: Twitter

Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art spends most of its day refusing cats to get in.

And there’s the ginger one.

It all started a couple of years ago when the meowseum debuted a show entitled “Cats — Mitsuaki Iwago Photography Exhibition”

A unique visitor arrived only days after the exhibit began, providing the best possible exposure for the occasion.

The security guard, however, blocked its path at the front door.


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