Tough Guy Cat Proves To Be A Sweet old Teddy Bear To His Rescuers

Jen Boger was browsing shelter animal profiles when she came across a photo of Mason, a scrawny elderly cat with a “tough man” expression. Boger, who helps with the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation in Northern Virginia as a cat intake coordinator, felt he had to join them right away.

Boger, who runs the blog Pokey Pot Pie, told The Dodo, “He was characterized as having a tough appearance, but being incredibly kind and lovely.” “My very favorite tomcats are these fierce old tomcats. Despite the fact that they are frequently battle-scarred and bruised from struggling for life on the streets, I think that the majority of them are extremely nice cats.”

Boger knew if their rescue didn’t step in, Mason might never be given the second chance he deserved. “Looking at Mason’s photo and description, I knew he was the type of cat that would get passed over again and again by potential adopters and other rescues because he looked so scrappy, tough and sick,” Boger said.

When Mason arrived at Boger’s home, he was eager to put his tough-guy lifestyle behind him. The first few days, he hid from Boger when he heard her approaching but quickly gained the confidence to ask for what he wants more than anything — lots and lots of pets.

“Now, he either waits for us at the door or dashes over as soon as he hears us approaching,” Boger explained. “He enjoys being petted and will nudge your hand or arm if you pause for more than a few seconds.”

Boger continued, “He doesn’t have a mean bone in his grizzled old body.” “I just have so much love to giv

Mason had been alone for a long time, with no one to look after him, and it had taken its toll.

“We anticipated him to arrive with matted fur, filthy ears, fleas, and a general appearance of being a little unkempt,” Boger said. “But he was the saddest, sickest cat I’d ever seen,” she said.

Mason’s ears were both injured, and he had significant scars on both sides of his face. His fur was scabby, and he had ringworm as well as a variety of other health and dental difficulties.

Mason, on the other hand, is mending and becoming stronger every day after weeks of vet appointments. “While Mason has experienced some health issues, everything looks to be under his control,” said Boger. “He’s handled everything that’s been thrown at him so far really well.”

Mason has gone through a lot in his life, but according to Boger, he’s still just a “kind, loving, little old teddy bear.” And whomever adopts him will have an instant closest friend who is eager to provide affection.


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