When Cat Meets A kItten At Home She Is Desperate To Win Her Love And Raise Her

“Simin,” the slave, has a one-year-old tabby cat named “Titak.” It’s a really active cat. Every day, he wants the attention of the slave and despises being alone. The minion recognizes that it is time to help it in finding a companion as a result of these Signs!

They noticed a litter of fluffy kittens. The mother cat was too weak to take care of them, so Ximing and his friends helped, sending the mother cat to the hospital and helping the kittens find their homes. Not forgetting Titak’s wish, he left behind a particularly eye-catching kitten “Bolur”.

To avoid being excessively frightened for the first encounter, which would result in awful slaughter, Ximing placed the two cats in different rooms and gradually grew accustomed to each other’s taste. Titak, on the other hand, couldn’t help himself and raced to visit Borul right away.

It smiled as he observed his small pal through the thin screen glass. Borul, on the other hand, was afraid by the surprise huge cat and continued hissing at Titak as a warning.

The two cats started their first communication through a screen window.

Even though the kitten fought him, Titak kept an eye on it and defended it from afar.

Fortunately, Titak did not retreat as a result, nor did he return enraged. Instead, she kept her distance and looked at the kitten from a distance, without moving her eyes for a minute, as if she wanted to get even closer. Borul seemed to feel his kindness as well. He got up on Titak’s bed one day and started massaging him.

Titak took advantage of this and continued to fix the cat. Ximing was scared at this point, but thankfully, Borul did not protest and accepted with conviction.

Titak becomes Polar’s finest guardian, constantly keeping a watch here on the kitten.

Titak has been like a caring and lively big sister to the kitten since that day, grooming it and bringing it to acquaint itself with the world. It will also be present when the kitten decides to walk on its own.

Keep a close eye on the situation and make sure it’s safe. Titak’s request for a friend was granted. Even though the kitten was initially terrified, its gentleness warmed the kitten’s heart, wanting the sisters may live happily ever after.


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