Everyone At The Shelter Falls In Love With The Grumpiest Cat

On the middle of October, Saul was discovered in the rainy streets of London, plainly hurt and in need of assistance. Saul was discovered by a guy, who immediately alerted the RSPCA. The RSPCA dispatched an animal collection officer to rescue Saul and transport him immediately to the Putney Animal Hospital.

He had fluid coming from his eyes and nostrils and appeared to be in a very bad condition, according to Caroline Allen, London veterinary director for the RSPCA. Because of the damage to his jaw, teeth, and one eye, “we suspect he was in a car collision.”

Saul was very sick and looked beat up when he arrived at the hospital, and everyone’s first priority was getting him medicated and treated as quickly as possible. As the staff cared for Saul and he slowly began to heal, they suddenly noticed something incredibly unique about him.

No matter what kind of mood he’s in or how he’s feeling, Saul always has the grumpiest face.

Saul’s perpetually gloomy visage is unmistakably there to stay, regardless of whether the hospital staff believes it to be a result of his prior injuries or just something he was born with. Saul proved himself to be the kindest, most friendly cat around as everyone came to know him more, but based just on his appearance, you would never know that.

Whether he’s all cuddled up with one of his friends.

Saul’s expression is invariably sour whether he’s actively participating in what’s going on around him or simply enjoying it.

… and sometimes he even likes to stick his tongue out at people, just to add to his sassy persona.

“Despite his constant scowl, Saul’s actually really sweet and friendly,” Allen said. “He’s recovering really well from his injuries and we hope he will soon be ready to move to our cattery at Southall to find a new home as we don’t rehome directly from the hospital.”

Saul has rapidly captured the hearts of everyone in the hospital, and after he is fully recovered and prepared for adoption, they are confident that the ideal family will also fall in love with him.

Allen predicted that someone will fall in love with the dejected-appearing puss. In fact, we believe he has some star potential. We lovingly refer to him as Grumpy Cat 2.0 since we think he’d give Grumpy Cat a run for his money! ”


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