The Kitty Is Now Adored And Has A Warm Place To Sleep After Spendiing The Winter On A Trash Bed

The temperature was 7 °C, and it was near Jersey City, New Jersey. The lone cub made an effort to stay warm and establish some sort of comfort, but all he had available to him for warmth was one old cloth. He didn’t stand a chance in hell of surviving.

His age makes it hard for him to survive the winter outside without assistance, so a bystander reached out to a nearby animal rights organization via Facebook. Athena volunteered right away to pick up the infant.

“I inquired as to whether a kitten might be taken. She provided a positive response and a carrier commitment. At the time, I was five blocks away purchasing formula milk, dietary supplements, and other items.

But all I could think about was this little one. I was worried about his fate,” says the volunteer.

Athena breathed a sigh of relief when the kitten was finally brought to her. He was alert, nervous and even angry, declaring his feline rights.

The hungry cub greedily pounced on a plate of food. The guardians gave him some more time to relax after a heavy meal and recuperate before bathing.

The cat immediately purred and turned onto his back, revealing his stomach, as Athena placed him on a soft blanket. We anticipated that we would need to socialize him due of his first hostile behavior. But then he started coming out out and begging for love,” the volunteer recounts.

Athena explains, “Clearly, for a while he attempted to warm himself under the hood of the automobile, adjacent to the engine.” Therefore, Bert—the chimney sweep from Mary Poppins—was chosen as his name.

Bert is now successfully treated for fleas and ear mites, but is still taking anthelmintics due to some digestive problems.

“Overall, he is in great shape!”

The furry boy no longer needs to worry about food and shelter. He quickly adapted to the new luxury conditions and became addicted to the embrace of his adoptive dad.


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