Injured Cat Rescued After Being Thrown Oyt Like Trash In A Backpack

A backpack was discovered in the rubbish bin by a Canadian woman in Alberta when she was putting out her trash. She was concerned when she saw another bag sealed shut within the backpack. She called for her companion to assist her unzip the bag after becoming a bit alarmed.

They discovered a cat inside.

The woman immediately called Alberta Animal Services, who rushed the cat to its facility for immediate care. The poor cat had severe head trauma, and no one was certain if he would make it, Erica Coomber, director of operations for Alberta Animal Services, told The Dodo.

The cat was found to have been smothered, which resulted in neurological problems and blindness that might never go away. In also have a shattered pelvis, the cat was starving.

His neurological problems aren’t getting any better right now, according to Coomber. “We hope and pray that we can get him through this that he makes a full recovery. What this cat has gone through is horrible.”

Although the cat doesn’t yet have a name, the shelter is thinking of calling him Hiro after a character from the television series “Heroes.”

The injured cat has shown he’s a fighter, so while he’s not quite out of the woods, with the correct treatment, he should be able to make a full recovery.


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