To Keep Her Babies Safe A Mother Cat Breaks Into A Stranger’s Home

The love of a mother knows no limits, and this is especially true for Tala, a stray cat.

Vincent, a guy from Santa Ana, California, was resting at home one night last August when he discovered an intruder in the house.

But, thankfully, it wasn’t anybody really dangerous.

A young female cat stared up at him, likely having broken into the house through the doggie door that his Chihuahua used to get out into the yard.

Vincent decided to take the cat in until he could find her owners after noticing how affectionate she was.

He had no idea that there were additional cats in the area.

Tala ran back outside through the doggy door a few minutes later, bringing with her a little kitten. She settled the baby in — and then she rushed out the door to bring another one in.

Vincent set up a box with towels inside the door to keep the family warm for the night while putting out a cry for aid on Facebook to local animal rescue groups. The kittens kept appearing.

“By the time he went to bed that night, she had brought three kittens inside the house,” Friends For Life Rescue Network member Jacqueline Santiago told The Dodo. “There were a total of five when he awoke the next morning.”

Vincent was delighted to welcome the six-person family, but his Chihuahua, who is usually the only one who uses the doggie door, was taken aback by the crowd.

“I believe the dog recognized Tala’s need for assistance and didn’t appear bothered by the company,” Santiago explained. “He was


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