Sadly, the three kittens that 8-month-old Mikey gave birth to were all born prematurely and passed away from weakness. But even the most gloomiest time might turn out to be a godsend. She received just what she needed from a neighboring shelter: three abandoned kittens yearning for a mother to adopt them.
The kittens were at the Dori’s Darling shelter in Houston, Texas. Amanda Lowe, who was the foster mother for abandoned kittens at the shelter, welcomed Mikey and introduced her to the three kittens in need.
Her maternal instinct kicked in and they bonded almost immediately. Mikey even breastfeed the kittens after just 15 minutes of bonding. It seemed Mikey got over her lost quickly, as she was allowed to be mom again.
8-month-old Mikey gave birth to three kittens, but unfortunately, the trio were born prematurely and had died of weakness.
She received just what she needed from a neighboring shelter: three abandoned kittens yearning for a mother to adopt them.
The new kittens helped her cope with her lost.
Even the darkest moment can be a blessing in disguise.
“I have some babies for you so you can be a mommy again,” foster mom Lowe told Mikey. Within 15 minutes, they were breastfeeding like a happy family!