Kitten Can’t Contain His Excitement After Being Found, Now Has Perfect Companion He Always Wanted

A family from Texas came across a tiny orange kitten wandering the streets without a home to go to. They took him in and quickly noticed that he was a bit different.

The family reached out to their local rescue, Murphy’s Safe Haven, when they realized the kitten would need more medical attention than they could provide. “Theodore (the kitten) was born with a cleft lip and hydrocephalus. Thankfully, his palate is intact and doesn’t have any deformities,” Audrey of Murphy’s Safe Haven shared with Love Meow.

“He was a bit shy at first but very quickly came out of his shell.”

With proper care, they got his medical issues under control. A few days later, the little guy’s personality bloomed, and he was no longer that quiet little kitten that they met on the first day.

As soon as he got some strength back into his tiny body, he turned into a ball of unbridled energy and just wanted to play, all the time.

Knowing how much he craved having a playmate, Audrey was on the lookout for another kitten around his age. “He was running around 24/7, so I was hoping a friend would tire him out.”

That’s when they came across a kitten named Tiny from a local shelter, who needed rescue. “Tiny was a single lonely kitten and had the same problem that Theodore was having — he was so full of energy and had no one to play with. I knew it would be perfect,” Audrey told Love Meow.


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