17 Year-old Cat Given Up by Family Finds Happiness Again and Hopes for Home to Spend Her Golden Years

Kaelle the calico was 17 years old when her family no longer wanted her. She was taken away from the place that she was familiar with, and was completely lost and confused.

The senior cat kept her head down the entire time while she was at the vet. She sat quietly in the corner of her kennel and only lifted her head when staff came to check on her.

They tried to cheer her up and reassure her that she was safe, while they were doing her wellness check.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a cat rescue in Montreal, Canada, was saddened by the situation and sprang into action. They arranged a foster family so the calico could be pampered and loved in a home environme

“Kaelle was pretty healthy considering her age. She was very sweet at the clinic and just let the veterinary team examine her without complaints,” Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

Amandine, a foster volunteer of the rescue, took her on and brought her home. Kaelle was a bit shy at first, but as soon as she heard her name called, she walked up to her foster mom for some much-needed head scritches.

After checking out every nook and cranny, she settled down next to her foster mom for more pets. She was so happy to be loved again that she purred herself to sleep.

The sweet calico with extra toes quickly came out of her shell when she realized that she was home.

In no time, she blossomed and became the center of attention that she ought to be. She started following her foster mom around the house and made sure that she was never alone.

“Kaelle is quiet by nature and loves to be petted. She likes to be near her humans and keep them company when they telecommute,” Celine shared with Love Meow.

“She likes to be the only cat in the house, who makes the call. She is so easy going and all she needs is hugs and attention.”


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