Resilient Street Cat Ensures Her Kittens Live and Hopes for Home with Her Bonded Son

Early this year, an orange cat was spotted in Mansfield, Texas, in desperate need of rescue. She was seen dragging herself to safety as she couldn’t move her legs. Susan Edstrom, founder and president of Four Paws One Heart (in Trophy Club, Texas), saw the plea for help for the feline, and rushed to save her.

“The cat has a very strong will to live. We took her to several different vets and had X-rays and evaluations done. It was determined that a bb (pellet) was (lodged) in the T9 area of the spine,” Susan told Love Meow. “The consensus was to leave it alone (to prevent further damage). She had sensation in her feet when they were touched.”

They also discovered something else through the X-rays — much to everyone’s surprise, the cat was pregnant. She survived the ordeal so her kittens could live.

They named her Chelsea, and over the next few weeks in foster care, the expectant cat mom proved to be a resilient force.

Chelsea continued to wiggle her legs trying to use them. Every day without fail, she would drag herself around to exercise while her foster carer helped strengthen her legs with massage therapy.


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