Kittens Uplift Cat and Help Him Thrive After He Was Rescued from Street, Now Hoping for Dream Home

Early this year, a cat was brought to Wilco Regional Animal Shelter (in Texas) after he was found hit by a car. He had multiple severe injuries and suffered neurological damage to his right forelimb.

A volunteer stepped up and got him stable and recovering. He was then transferred to another foster home where he continued his healing process. Megyn, his new foster mom, was quickly enamored by the sweet feline they named Oliver.

Oliver was curious about all the new toys and continued to try to run and jump despite his physical limitations. But most of all, he was eager for a constant companion.

Megyn was caring for two kittens, Lenny and Carl, at the time. When Oliver was ready to meet them, they just hit it off. The feline siblings immediately gravitated towards him and let him love on them as if they were his own.

Oliver wanted to be near the fosters at all times, making sure they were clean and loved. The kittens were smitten with him and would seek him out for comfort.

Their energy rubbed off on Oliver and their purrs and snuggles lifted his spirits. “He is a super mellow, friendly guy. He loves it when the kittens cuddle with him. We often find foster kittens choose to cuddle with him over siblings.”

After Lenny and Carl found their forever home together, Oliver continued to wait for the right family to come his way. He missed having a buddy to snuggle with, and would stay by the door and hope for another kitten to come through it.


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