Kitten Found on Concrete Wall, Makes Complete Turnaround and Wins the Heart of Person Who Took Him in

Little Wanderers NYC was contacted about a kitten spotted on a concrete wall in the Bronx (New York). He was in very rough shape, meowing for help. Volunteers of the rescue raced to save him and rushed him to the vet.

“We named him Clayton (as he was found on Clay Avenue). The veterinary staff immediately admitted him to stabilize his temperature which was dangerously low,” Little Wanderers NYC shared.

The kitten was estimated to be eight months old, very underweight, and had a severe upper respiratory infection. Despite being very frail, he was eager for attention and tried to lift his head for pets.

“Clayton had hypothermia, a horrendous upper respiratory infection and ulcers on his tongue. He was on the brink of death but brought back to life within hours of rescue.”

With critical care to treat his anemia, pneumonia, and a host of other health issues, Clayton was able to open his eyes and breathe a lot better. He was put on heat support to help him regulate his body temperature.

“This kitten was so sweet that he purred when medical staff just looked at him,” Little Wanderers NYC shared. “Our collective guess is that he was outside for three weeks or more based on his condition. He is a true friendly cat so we don’t understand why not one soul stepped up.”

The biggest challenge was to get him to eat due to his many ulcers and esophagitis.

“A feeding tube would get him over the hump and provide nutrition to boost his immune system while letting his upper digestive tract heal,” Little Wanderers NYC added.

“He played and purred through everything. He was the sweetest boy ever.

When Clayton was well enough to be discharged, he came home with Rebeccah L, a volunteer of Little Wanderers NYC. The sweet kitty snuggled right up to his foster mom and couldn’t get enough of affection.

Watch Clayton and his journey in this video:


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