The Kitten Will Keep Seeking Until He Finds Someone To Be His Friend For The Rest Of His Life

A pair of four-week-old kittens were discovered beside a road, and Penny Richards, a caretaker from Arlington, Virginia, learned about them. The second, a girl, always clung to her sibling while the first had a birth defect and a serious condition.

As soon as they were discovered, “she hung on to him, as if she knew he was hurting and in need of comfort,” adds Penny.

The sibling was lost that night despite all human attempts, leaving the daughter alone. I gave her the Hawaiian name Koa, which means valiant or a warrior, when she lost her sibling.

For a couple of weeks, Koa stayed with her caregiver’s family, demanding attention and affection all the time.

“She was very energetic and friendly, the physical examination showed that she was healthy. She became very attached to us and to people in general, ”Penny shares.

She immediately displayed a daring side and, in spite of her small stature, started to run everything as soon as we placed her in the nursery for older kids.

When Koa approached the black and white Maggie, she made it clear that she was in charge.

The ginger kitten Hugh was twice as big as Koa, but she didn’t pay any attention to it. She is fully able to stand up for herself in wrestling or cooperative games.

Koa happily rushes around the room wreaking havoc, but never runs too far away from her nanny’s knees.

Even while she was having fun, she was whirling close to my legs and running her little daggers up and down my legs. In order to catch up with someone, she rushed off, but she soon came back and got up into my lap.

Penny was seeking for a friend her size because she knew Koa would benefit from having a constant companion.


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