Proud Rescue Cat Drags Mom Out Of Bed For Sweetest Surprise

The 11-month-old cat, Gracie, has recently been approaching her mother, Zoey Chelf, for one very important reason: she wants to brag about her best achievements.

She’ll even practically chew on Chelf’s hand as she pulls her along.

Gracie started this hand-pulling routine months ago during a vulnerable time when she needed comfort.

“She was about halfway through her pregnancy when I took her in, and she actually bit my toes and pulled my blanket off to tell me it was time,” Chelf told The Dodo. “She followed me when I tried to give her space to have her birth naturally, so when I stayed with her, she finally settled down so she could do it.”

The proud mom recently gave birth to four boys and four girls, and she loves to take Chelf in to see them.

“She pulls me to see them often,” Chelf said. “She comes to me throughout the day and will meow or nibble me to follow her to check them out. She likes me to sit with her and pet her while she nurses.”

You can watch Gracie pull her mom out of bed here:


“She has been an amazing mother to all of [her babies],” Chelf said. “Her entire birth was very smooth and incredible to watch.”

The former stray, who once lived in a storm drain, is a natural when it comes to parenting.

“Gracie is a fantastic mom,” Chelf said. “She stays with [her kittens] the majority of the day. And when she’s not with them, she’s lying with me. She snuggles with them and it is the cutest thing!”

Gracie and her little ones are protected from the streets, but Chelf gives the mother cat the credit for changing her life. The kittens will be prepared to find their own loving homes when they are old enough.

Chelf stated, “She has been a fantastic addition to our family. She has made me smile, given me a reason to care for her and her kittens, and cuddled up to me when I cried. She is truly the ideal cat, and for that, I am incredibly grateful. Our paths must have intersected for a reason, in my opinion.


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