Kitten Desires To Be Continually Active And To Start Walking

A kitten with a paralyzed rear limb has been contacted about Jessica Roof, the founder of Kitten Carer Rescue, asking for assistance. The mother took the infant to safety without moving aside.

The kitten was skin and bones when it came, sluggish, hungry, and flea-infested. He dragged his torso and legs down the floor, using only his front paws, making it clear that the lower part of his body did not feel anything, Jessica relates.

The kitten was interested in food from the start and meowed loudly despite having to suffer so much.

The veterinarian who performed the examination determined that the kitten did not feel anything from the waist to the tip of the tail.

“Mohan has spinal compression between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. Looks like it’s from a serious fall,” Courtney adds. “We hope that acupuncture will help Mohan recover as it improves blood circulation and relieves swelling.”

Mohan maintained his physical rehabilitation at home, which included hydrotherapy, while receiving treatment for a potential infection. We have great expectations for this young man since he is a warrior and always wants to be moving.

Nothing can stop the striped youngster from living his life to the fullest since he is anxious to stand and stroll like other cats.


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