Cat Smiles At Everyone That Visits The Shelter Hoping That Someone Will Notice Her

A cat from a shelter named Nala stands out in a certain manner. She gives everyone who walks by a grin.

Nala was in labor, pregnant, and in labor when she was discovered, but she was having trouble giving delivery. She was discovered in the Netherlands, and a kind person took her immediately to a veterinary facility.

Nala underwent an emergency C-section and one of her two kittens was able to survive. An animal protection group in the Netherlands, Dierenbescherming took the cats so they could have a better chance of living.

The kitten developed into a young, healthy, and independent cat after four weeks. That kitten has already left for its new home.

Nala enjoys being with people in her secure environment.

Every visitor to the shelter receives a small amount of affection from Nala. When someone passes, she rushes over.

The cat constantly seems like she’s smiling because of her cleft lip. Due to a skin issue, she also needs a specific diet. She receives hypoallergenic meals and is improving greatly. She could always require this particular meal, according to Ineke Kamps, a shelter volunteer.

Nala begins to meow as soon as she notices a guest approaching. Additionally, she will lean up to the glass pane and smile while gazing.

She will brush up against you as you sit next to her and immediately make friends.

Nala is always content when she is with a human buddy. When Ineke pays a visit to her at the shelter, she is welcomed right away and given some cuddles.

“A house with a (enclosed) garden, with people who are at home frequently, and who don’t have a problem with her particular food, would be an ideal home for her,” Ineke added. She can live with other cats, but she has to be fed on her own.

She doesn’t discriminate either, so a furry companion will make her just as happy. Despite being two years old, Nala still has a lot of the kitten in her.

Nala loves to cuddle up with a friend when it is nap time.


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