Sweetest Shelter Cat Hugs Everyone He Meets

Lots of cats love to cuddle, but a 3-year-old cat named Zorro takes cuddling to the next level. Whenever people pick him up, he latches onto them and nuzzles into their necks for a great, big hug.

“You can just pick him up, and he will wrap his arms around you like a baby orangutan and just hang on,” Kristen Nau, a veterinarian at the Pennsylvania SPCA, the rescue group that currently cares for Zorro, told The Dodo. “He’ll rest his head on your shoulder, too, just like a little child does.”

Woman holding hugging cat in her arms

This extra-cuddly cat first arrived at a shelter run by the Pennsylvania SPCA back in January.

“The story as I understand it is that there was a Good Samaritan who had been feeding him … and trying to find him a home in the process,” Gillian Kocher, director of public relations at the Pennsylvania SPCA, told The Dodo. “But for whatever reason, it was hard to find him a home, so she decided to bring him to us.”

Woman holding hugging cat in her arms

Despite Zorro’s lovable nature, he’s having a very difficult time finding a home, and no one at the Pennsylvania SPCA can understand why.

“You wouldn’t necessarily think that he’s super special, but every person I brought down there yesterday, and who picked him up and held him, just didn’t want to let him go,” Kocher said. “And of course now, everybody is dedicated to finding him the best home.”


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