After Spending Nine Winters Outside A Three Leggend Stray Cat Now Has His Own Fireplace

Nine years ago, a stray three-legged ginger kitty walked into a man’s kitchen asking to be loved. That was the day that a wonderful friendship was born between a kind man and a three-legged cat.

This is the heart wrenching story of Bubby!

This kitten began to appear more regularly and enjoyed playing with Seson, the man’s cat. The cat continued to visit the guy even after Seson had died.

Being a stray, this feline was wary of humans, with the exception of Boyd, a nice cat lover. Boyd decided to call him Bubby as his visits became longer and he claimed a chair for himself.

Boyd now considered Bubby to be his own cat, and despite his best efforts, Bubby insisted on returning to the outside, a part of his previous existence he couldn’t let go.

Sadly, when Boyd died, Bubby only came to the house once and never returned. Boyd’s family would leave food out in the hopes of luring him back, but the food was always left untouched when they returned.

So it had been two years since Bubby had been seen, and everyone was worried, until one day he reappeared, noticed by the next-door neighbor, Ray. He realized that Bubby’s age was against him, so he devised a strategy to catch him.

He tried for two months, but Bubby refused, and Ray was anxious for him as the weather changed and snow storms became more frequent. He begged the lady who now resided in Boyd’s house to keep an eye out for Bubby and welcome him in if she spotted him.


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