A Family Discovers An Abandoned Kitten Who Resembles A Little Alien

Jinx’s family discovered her abandoned in a field in the middle of the night when she was just 3 weeks old. It was chilly and rainy, and she sorely needed their care, and they knew she was supposed to be their cat as soon as they got her inside.

Jinx’s family member Mia Ibanez told The Dodo, “I had returned home early from a football game at my friend’s high school and was talking to my mom when we heard meowing.” “Because our house was surrounded by a large field, my mother and I stepped out into the backyard and shone a flashlight.” We scaled the fence and discovered Jinx because all we could see in the field was a small black object.”

The family wrapped her under a warm blanket, fed her formula, and promised to look after her till she recovered. Ibanez observed Jinx’s eyes were a touch wider than they should be on the second day in her new home, and then a few additional oddities.

“I wasn’t sure whether it was simply because she was a kitten (I hadn’t had one in years), but I initially only thought her eyes were unusually huge,” Ibanez said. “But with time, I discovered her feet were also really crooked, and the same with her nose and mouth.” “I expected her to mature into them, but it never occurred!”

Jinx’s family brought her to the veterinarian, who declared she was OK. She doesn’t have any underlying medical issues. Her odd look is most likely the result of congenital abnormalities or adverse effects from being abandoned as a kitten. They have no effect on her; instead, they make her insanely charming.

Jinx, except from her extraterrestrial traits, is just like any other cat. She enjoys playing, follows her family around, requires privacy at times, and believes she is a person rather than a cat. She is completely unaware of her differences, and it makes no difference to her. Jinx will always be flawless, no matter what.


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