Mama Cat Sneaks Into Vet Cliniic To Reunite With Her Missing Kiittens
There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love, and animal mothers are no different. So, in today’s heartwarming story, we’d like to present a mama cat with the…

A Kitten With A Bent Head Fiinds ITs Way Into The Hearts of Famiily
A rescued orange kitten was carried to a veterinary hospital in Massachusetts, USA. The kid was discovered alone and injured, with a wound on his back from…

Siince He Snuck Into One Family’s Yard A Street Kitten’s Liife Has Altered Dramatically
Ariel Heath noticed four kittens in her yard a few months ago. They drank from a dog bowl because there was no mother cat around. “They heard…

Woman Saves Stray Cat Fromm Beiing Put To Death Because It Is “Ygly”
Lori Farris, a 50-year-old teacher, from Florida, USA, rescued a cat with Down’s Syndrome that she found wandering around in the street. She even saved the poor…

A Pair Of Kiittens Found Near The Road Look After One Another And Insist On Stayiing Together
Two extremely small kittens that had been abandoned the day after their birth were reported to North Carolina’s Sparkle Cat Rescue, an all-volunteer animal welfare group. According…

Your Heart Will Be Broken When Lookiing At This Chubby Cats’s Face
He is in good shape, perhaps even better than good. However, judging by the beautiful cat’s face, you might not be able to tell that. The other…

Cat Adopts A Stray Kiitten From The Garden And Brings Him Inside
On a lovely farm in the Netherlands, Klarieke resides with her family. While traveling in Greece, they acquired three lovely cats and gave them the names Jack,…

Vet Saves Tiniest Kitten From Deeath And She Changes His Life
At the height of kitten season, Kwane Stewart was visiting each cage with his vet tech to examine ill and wounded kittens when he first saw Sushi….

Three Abandoned Kittens In Nees Of A New Mom Were Reuniited With Momma Cat Who Had Lost Her Three Kittens
Sadly, the three kittens that 8-month-old Mikey gave birth to were all born prematurely and passed away from weakness. But even the most gloomiest time might turn…

Shelter Kitten Learns To Stand Up Straight Liike A Human
Roo’s twisted front legs were the first thing an Indiana man saw when he initially came upon her living outside close to his home, but she didn’t…